
Data Use, Technology, and Educational Leadership

Just released: My article on Twitter and professional communities

Just Released: this journal article that I (and two wonderful doc students) have written about Twitter and teachers’ professional communities. Learning Landscapes is an online open access journal. Since so many are becoming interested in issues around personal learning networks (PLNs) and social media, especially Twitter, I wanted to these ideas to be as accessible as possible. Please share!

The hope behind the article is to lay out some concepts that might be useful to educational researchers in studying issues around Twitter and professional communities. In other words, it’s less about hard conclusions and more about opening up conversations.

twitter-loveThe next articles. In fact, I’m currently writing up findings from a study using evidence I’ve gathered via interviews and tweets. These findings suggest that educators do love love love their Twitter and PLNs, but that the mileage might vary when it comes to what kinds of rewards they actually get. The articles themselves will provide additional details, along with some thoughts about the consequences they might have for professional learning and online professional communities.

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